I have found Rev. Barker-Brugman to be very helpful in assisting in my spiritual journey. She is a consummate listener and this gift allows her to ask leading questions. These questions provide a fertile field for the Holy Spirit to work within me to direct my life. Rev. Barker-Brugman also provides advice on diverse issues offering perspectives I have not previously considered. I would highly recommend her for someone seeking spiritual guidance.
Rhett, a Spiritual Directee
Rev. Kim designed and led a ½ day retreat for the clergywomen of our district. Drawing from the book of Esther, through a variety of spiritual practices such as art, meditation, physical movement, small group conversation, and journaling, we experienced renewal and refreshment in this engaging, well-designed time apart. Rev. Kim is gifted in creating and leading individuals and groups through creative spiritual formation experiences.
Rev. Brenda Pusso, Pastor, Grace United Methodist Church