There are many things that happen in you and to you that might indicate it would be helpful to connect with a spiritual director. Is there a deep longing in you for something you cannot quite describe or grasp? Do you leave church feeling empty or so full you can’t stand it?
Are you hungry to get to know God better?
To make you more comfortable you can choose your name for God: Higher Power/Divine/Loving Presence, etc. There are hundreds of names for God.
Are you ready to deepen your spiritual life but don’t know how? Do you keep avoiding knowing God better because you do not know where to begin? Are you afraid to talk to God because you don’t feel ‘worthy’? (none of us is worthy so come on in – that is the whole gist of Jesus’ ministry – you are created by God and God only makes the best) Are you desiring to improve your relationship with God? Or you might know God well but want some help in discerning where God is leading you?
One story that might help – attributed to many, some make it ancient some modern – A young man was a lover of classical music and frequently went to hear the greats. He spoke with a spiritual director and described the feeling he had when he listened to this music: ‘I go to church and nothing happens like that. It’s boring! I go to a concert and listen, and my spirit soars to the heavens. It is inspiring and beautiful.” The spiritual director replies: “Who told you that wasn’t God?”
The Divine is all around us and in us but may not be easy to spot or describe. You might experience God as you light a candle and pray. You might experience that feeling of elation as you walk the hills or lay on the beach. You might experience a deep longing in the dead of night. God speaks to us individually through all the means of life – scripture, a friend, spiritual reading, a conversation, worship, art, music, a birthday card….
As I walk with you and listen, I can help you to develop eyes to see the Divine in the midst of your everyday living and in the deeper moments of intentional seeking.
If you have any questions or would like to talk to me about this ministry, please feel free to contact me. I love to talk about it.
Shalom, Kim B2
What Does a Spiritual Director do?
Spiritual Directors International
What are the benefits of spiritual direction?
Spiritual Directors International
Faithchats: Spiritual Direction Roleplay